to the Phooliverse
What is Phoole & the Gang?
After a 24-year live interactive environmental improvisational comedy career as 16th-century court jester Jane the Phoole, Phoole pivoted to live interactive online performance with Phoole & the Gang in 2013. Live from the PhooleOut Shelter under her Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA bungalow, Phoole hosts a weekly live interactive "kids' show for grownups" featuring two boisterous hours of music, chat, eye-popping visuals, a very cute cat or two, her out-and-proud trans wife Tiffany, and a dry ol' skeleton named Uncle Fweddy. Phooligans from around the world tune in live to dance and chat, and the podcast that results from the live music-and-goofiness extravaganza is enjoyed by hundreds of listeners weekly. Phooligans love to hunker in Phoole's online bunker, briefly escape the horrors of the world, and recharge with positive LGBTQIA2+-community and Gen-X representation, in which many tuner-inners and listeners feel themselves reflected. Tiffany is immunologically compromised, so Phoole and Tiffany are literally sheltering in real life; many Phooligans who are also left behind by the world's leaders' failure to respond to the pandemic find comfort and camaraderie in the PhooleOut Shelter.