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1  noun  ˈbläg, -ȧg   plural -s
2  intransitive verb   -ed/-ing/-s
: to talk pretentiously and usually inaccurately : lie boastfully

No Show Again! 24 March 2023

I regret I can't be live on air again this week. NEXT WEEK for sure. Just can't this week. Dayjob and life are too much and I just need one more week to get back into things.

While Phoole & the Gang has been on hold for a couple of weeks, I did manage to do a little Jane the Phoole folly, which was fun! A dear friend works for a large agency that had an agency-wide virtual meeting last week that happened to coincide with International Goof-Off Day, and my pal asked me to contribute a quick little moment with Jane expounding on one of her favorite subjects, the translation of the phrase 'bad monkey' into foreign languages. It felt so good to get the motley on again! The whole meeting was being conducted as if it were a television news program, so I tried to fit that format a little bit, whilst including the incredible Phoole Planet animation (made originally to accompany the Phoole & the Gang theme tune 'Stay Up All Thing') by Tor Øra and, for its recorder factor, 'Aulos' by Vlad Cauchemar.

Here is the segment!

And while we're embedding videos, here's Tor's original animation for 'Stay Up All Thing':

And the 'Aulos' video just because it's so much fun:

Next week Friday will be the 31st day of March - in other words, APRIL PHOOLE'S EVE, so next Friday's show will be our annual APRIL PHOOLE'S DAY SPECIAL, featuring songs about being dumb and having fun, and including lots and lots of pictures of me being Jane the Phoole.

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