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1  noun  ˈbläg, -ȧg   plural -s
2  intransitive verb   -ed/-ing/-s
: to talk pretentiously and usually inaccurately : lie boastfully

Medicine Show!

As a victory lap for Not Having Breast Cancer, I'm doing a Medicine Show on Phoole & the Gang tonight!

Tonight's Phoole & the Gang will be a lighthearted romp through tunes about doctors, medicine, drugs, disease, and death. LIGHTHEARTED. ROMP. Won't you join me? And perhaps Angelo the Cat, and maybe even Tony the Cat, and mayyybbbeeee even Tiffany too?

  • When? 6:00 p.m. Central US time (midnight UK time)

  • Where?, &

  • How? Visit the Phoole & the Gang tab at

  • Will it really be lighthearted? YES. Almost mostly completely. It might contain shade against stuff like insurance and big toe arthritis, which I now know is a thing, and which I now know is a thing I don't like.

  • What if I miss the show? I save it for you! Love it again and download it for digital hoarding at


On tonight's show I will debut a new remix of 'Stay Up All Thing,' the theme tune for Phoole & the Gang, which I wrote and sang, and which was produced by Barry Diston at Fidget Studios, thanks to the kind auspices of The Aardvark, a/k/a Paul Taylor!

All of the cities listed in the tune are cities that contain Phooligans who tune into Phoole & the Gang live or who listen to it in its podcast form or via the archives in some other way.

The remix is by Anna Haim, a/k/a VenusUrsa, a/k/a Anna in Kokomo Indiana, with production assistance from DJ2R.

I have played a remix by Anna of this tune previously, BUT: This remix is an EXTENDED remix that contains the names of MANY, MANY MORE CITIES than Anna's previous remix.

Will YOUR city be in it? POSSIBLY. How can you find out? TUNE IN!

Phoole Tracks in Wax?!

Two years ago, for my 50th birthday, Tiffany and several delightful friends and Phooligans conspired to have my tunes 'P.O.T.O.' and 'Stay Up All Thing' remixed by multiple esteemed producers and then released on VINYL. This remix is the final piece in the puzzle for this project - so we are now looking at possibly actually releasing a very-limited vinyl EP of my kooky tunes.

WHAT THINK? Do you possess a Player for Long-Playing Vinyl Records? Would you cherish such an object? Is it audacious to pursue such whimsy in this economy and in planetary ecological collapse? These are just SEVERAL QUESTIONS. I am interested in your thoughts!

Here Comes Phooleoween!

On Friday 27 October 2023 we shall celebrate PHOOLEOWEEN on Phoole & the Gang at the usual hour of 6:00 p.m. Central US time!

Originally, Tiffany and I had planned a COUPLES COSTUME of an Addams' Family type.

Then life happened and got crazy and stressful, and these plans were scuttled in favor of just sitting the hell down and coping with things in stillness and quiet.

In a fit of wanting to make 16th-century mostly-historically-appropriate clothes, I made a new Jane the Phoole motley not too long ago. It is the best suit of clothes I have ever made since I started making clothes back in the 1990s. I am powerfully proud of it, and I'm dying to wear it and show it off. BUT: pandemic.

So instead of parading it at an infection-vector live-in-person entertainment, I am going to put it on and wear it for Phooleoween! Tuner-Inners will be the first people to see it in action.

And Then, On Halloween Itself...

Halloween is on Tuesday, 31 October 2023, and I have the day off from the dayjob that day.

I take a week off every couple of months or so to stave off burnout. The Joke's On Me, because I burned out A LONG TIME AGO, and I am just an ashen husk now! In the amateur theatrics of bureacromancing, I endure as a Work Ghost and get things done anyhow, and then take a week now and again so that I don't collapse in a puff of dust.

None of this is the point. The actual point is that on Halloween itself, rather than just haunting my bungalow, I thought I would jump on air from around 2:00 p.m. Central US time/7:00 p.m. UK time (because of Daylight Savings Time happening a week earlier abroad) for a few hours of Halloween tunes and laid-back hanging-out and chit-chat. This might give Phooligans in more-easternly time zones more of a chance to tune in during normal awake-times, and it also might give Stateside Phooligans some music and chit-chat ambience for haunting their own houses or offices or what-have-you, or handing out trick-or-treat candy if that's happening where you are that day.

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